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Wing Cargo Truck Body

Wing truck body is equipped with expandable side wings (or wing panels) on both sides of the body. These side wings are flexibly deployed through a hydraulic system or manually, thereby significantly increasing the capacity for loading cargo without increasing the overall length of the vehicle. Width and capacity, especially suitable for transporting goods with large width or irregular width.


  • Em comparação com as carrinhas normais, as carrinhas de asa são populares devido às cargas e descargas mais rápidas. É mais fácil utilizar o empilhador, poupando tempo e custos de manuseamento
  • Compared with dropside and flatbed trucks, wing cargo trucks are more rainproof, dustproof, sunproof and anti-theft.
  • Easy to operate: The unfolding and folding of the wingspan is relatively simple and can be easily completed by the driver or operator.
  • Safe and reliable: The body of the Wingspan truck is made of high-strength, corrosion-resistant materials, and has the characteristics of heat preservation, heat insulation, sound insulation, fire prevention and moisture resistance.
  • Adaptable: The Wingspan Van’s unique design allows it to adapt to cargo of different shapes and sizes. Whether it is large or irregular cargo, the Wingspan truck can provide sufficient loading space to meet diverse transportation needs.


  • Introduzir etapas: Fácil carregamento e descarregamento de mercadorias. Os degraus duplos de magin são feitos de aço galvanizado por imersão a quente, que são muito fortes e resistentes à corrosão
  • Caixa de ferramentas: Adicione uma caixa de ferramentas à frente do veículo ou por baixo do veículo para guardar as suas ferramentas

Mimics Natural Wing Cargo Truck

  • Painéis laterais alados para garantir uma melhor deslocação do empilhador
  • Teto multifuncional, protegido do sol e da chuva, que pode ser aberto

Structure of Wing Cargo Truck Body