Aluminum Dropside Truck Body

Aluminum Dropside Truck Body

Ordinary truck body use steel bodies, which make the vehicles too heavy, increase the burden on the engine and fuel consumption, and the steel material is prone to rapid corrosion in harsh environments, shortening the service life. CARBODY innovatively uses high-strength aluminum alloy materials, and the body is 60%-70% lighter than the same-sized steel body, while maintaining the same strength. At the same time, it completely solves the rust problem, realizes environmental protection throughout the life cycle of the body, and can be completely recycled after scrapping.


  • Lightweigh: More load, More fuel efficient.
  • Corrosion Resistant: Never rust, Longer service life.
  • High Strength: 6000 series high strength aluminum alloy.
  • Environmental rotection: Aluminum is a renewable material with a high recycling rate.
  • Easy to repair: Aluminum is easy to process and repair, and can be repaired quickly after damage, reducing maintenance costs.
  • Good heat dissipation performance: Aluminum has good thermal conductivity, which helps to keep the temperature of the car body stable in high temperature environments.


  • Zuhanásgátló rendszer: Védőrúd hozzáadása védi a rakományt
  • Lépjen be a lépésekbe: Könnyen hozzáférhető rakomány lépcsőkkel, tűzihorganyzott acélból készült, erős és korrózióálló
  • Eszköztár: Add a tool box to the front of the dropside truck body or underneath the truck to store your tools
  • Alváz: Állítható segédkeret, alkalmas különböző alvázakhoz

Farokemelő és könnyű kompozit padló

  • Egy karosszéria kétféle opcióval, standard karosszéria vagy karosszéria farokemelővel
  • A csúszásmentes méhsejtes padlóburkolat 50% súlyt takarít meg és növeli a teherbírást

Customized Dropside Truck Body CKD/SKD Kits

CARBODY adopts CKD (completely knocked down) and SKD (semi-knocked down) models to produce and transport truck bodies, effectively reducing costs and significantly improving production efficiency. CARBODY focuses on creating customized CKD/SKD solutions for global truck dealers, accurately matching the unique needs of each project.
